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We hope you are all keeping safe and well in these difficult times.  We greatly value your past support and just wanted to update you on what is happening with Help the Child at the moment. 
Lockdown restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic have made it impossible to hold any fundraising events.  You may remember we had to cancel the Antiques Evening planned for late March, and a large fundraising event planned by one of our supporters for April was also cancelled.  We would usually have a further event in the autumn, but this too is looking very unlikely and it may be that we cannot hold any events to raise funds until next year.
In the meantime we continue to receive requests to help needy children and we aim to meet these needs for as long as we have funds available. Our concern, of course, is that there may come a time when we do not have sufficient funds to do so.
If you felt able to help us at this time with a donation, however small, this would be very gratefully received.  You can do so by emailing for further information.