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Bath Half Marathon

In October 2018 our daughter Melody underwent surgery to remove a brain tumour. Melody is non-verbal and was really struggling with frustration because she wasn't able to communicate her needs.  We found out about AAC devices that can be used for communication and soon discovered that the communication app alone was going to cost £350 and this was without the cost of the device to upload the app on to.  It was then that we discovered the wonderful charity Help the Child.  We were overjoyed when they agreed to fund the app for Melody.  It has changed Melody's life.  She is now able to communicate her needs, especially for sweets, chocolate and ice cream!  She is able to say hello to her teacher when she calls her name on the register.  The opportunities are endless because we are able to adapt and edit the app with the new words and images.
Help the Child is a fantastic charity that has helped so many children with disabilities in Somerset over the years (since 1987).  I would love to be able to help children with disabilities.  It is unbelievably prohibitive the cost of specialist equipment, such as communication apps, walking aids, trikes, specialist car seats, specialist wheelchairs/ buggies, sensory toys, etc.  This charity seeks to fill the huge gaps in statutory funding and everyone who has been helped by them is tremendously appreciative.
On Sunday 15 October 2023 I am going to take on a huge challenge for me by running the Bath Half Marathon.  I am determined to complete it even if I have to crawl over the finish line.  Help the Child is a very small charity and I hope to raise lots of money for them.
Alice Aske
Help the Child are very pleased to report that Alice raised an amazing £1,650.  Our thanks, appreciation and congratulations to Alice for a fantastic achievement.