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A Brief Summary of 2021

Sadly, most of the Committee's fundraising had to be cancelled in 2021 and the majority of Committee meetings were held via zoom, although we did manage to meet face to face on two occasions.
However, we sincerely thank our loyal supporters who have been very generous in 2021 enabling the HTC finances to suffer only a small loss this year.
Burnham and Berrow Golf Club generously allowed HTC to hold their Christmas Coffee Morning at the Club in December.  Thanks go to the Committee who worked very hard to prepare for this event, which proved well worthwhile both financially and socially.
In 2021 HTC has helped 14 children and our Requests Co-ordinator continues to liaise with the professionals who put referrals through to HTC on behalf of children who are in need of support.
Hopefully we will be able to plan and move forward with fundraising in 2022.